Monday 25 March 2013



"Orang Tenang Akan Menang"...
Kata-kata yang selalu dituturkan oleh Prof Dr Muhaya.....
Dan kata-kata ini yang saya cuba jadikan motto dalam kehidupan....
Setiap hari saya cuba selami apa maksud TENANG...
Walaupun sebenarnya usaha ke arah tenang itu memerlukan hati dan minda yang kuat....

Kemenangan itu bukan untuk menunjuk-nunjuk kekuatan...
Tetapi ianya hanya untuk diri sendiri....
Seperti dalam cerita Kungfu Panda, Po dengan quote "INNER PEACE"...
Bila ketenangan itu ada dalam diri kita, masalah yang datang bertalu talu pun kita dapat atasi...
Is it TRUE???
Yup, with one condition...
We must close to ALLAH Taala first, our Lord...

Saya pasti semua orang mahukan kejayaan...
My lecturer has told me once...

It took years for her to understand what is the great success...
Even she's surrounded with good people, with good attitude, she never be like them...
She made mistakes a lot, and absolutely  far from Allah...
For her, wealth and popularity are everything...
If you don't have them, you will be nothing....
Yes, that's her... 
Few years ago...
And she's not proud of it...

Then, she now realized that....
"Once you far from ALLAH, you will get nothing..."

THANK YOU ALLAH for everything...


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